submitted by /u/kozos [link] [comments] |
Whether from the pornography they watch or the erotica they read, some guys find it deeply arousing to see someone creampied. While a creampie is traditionally defined as semen being ejaculated into the vagina during penis-in-vagina penetrative sex, there are a variety of ways this act can be done. It might be faked by the performers, or it may happen as a result of thrusting, or even just through sexual intercourse.
But if you’re a guy who finds creampies deeply arousing, be careful not to let your fascination get out of hand. Unless you have full and enthusiastic consent from your partner, ejaculating inside them is a form of rape, and it could also lead to a pregnancy — which is especially likely now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned by the Supreme Court.
So if you’re curious about trying creampies, bring it up during a conversation about your sex life with your partner first. Talk about your feelings and why this is something you want to try, and if they aren’t into it, don’t push it. And, even if they are, make sure you’re using a high-efficacy form of birth control. This will help keep any potential pregnancy from becoming a very real problem.