submitted by /u/Valaksha [link] [comments] |
In this episode of LGBTQ&A, Cam Girl talks about why she chose to come on camera and how it reshaped her views on sexual consent. She also discusses the amount of work that goes into making a career as a cam model, and why she thinks it’s harder than people generally believe.
In her spare time, CAM GIRL loves to travel the world and remind people that dreams really do come true. She started on a modest level in her hometown, hustling in small local bars, before expanding to a bigger audience through a variety of cam sites and studios. Known for her HAM on Everything shows and devout fan base, CAM GIRL is proof that hard work pays off.
Whether she’s on her own or with friends, CAM GIRL always makes sure to take the time to connect with her clients and make them feel valued. She’s quick to point out that she doesn’t view her job as just a means to an end, and that her viewers want to be consoled, understood and appreciated. She’s also quick to dispel the myth that all cam models scam their viewers and fans. Those that do only prey on the sympathy of those who are already vulnerable.