submitted by /u/AllHolyNugget [link] [comments] |
Unlike skinny girls with smaller breasts, a busty girl has big jugs to jiggle, tickle, touch, fondle and squeeze. Having big bumpers means there is more of her to love, but it can also mean wardrobe malfunctions and nipple spillage.
Men pay to interact with a camgirl because they want her attention and dopamine hits, and the more tokens they give her, the more she responds to them. She can get to know them, reply to their messages and do things with them that a skinny girl cannot. Camsites make their money from exploitation of addictive behaviour just like casinos or video games, and the biggest chunk of the profit comes from whales – a small minority of very addicted users who spend large amounts of tokens.
A camgirl needs to be very strategic in her conversations to maximise tips. The best way to do this is by using a topic memo, which helps the model remember what she needs to say and can prevent her from getting distracted or running out of ideas. It’s also a good idea to remember that clients who love the model are more likely to be the camgirl’s biggest patronizers. So a happy client equals more tips.