Your cock and balls will be covered in red lipstick

Your cock and balls will be covered in red lipstick

submitted by /u/ahriian [link] [comments] When you have a conversation with a friend or a co-worker you talk about things that interest you both. You probably talk about everything from work, to hobbies, to family and your favorite movies. However, when you have a...
bet you’ll cum on my thighs alone

bet you’ll cum on my thighs alone

submitted by /u/RefuseEducationals [link] [comments] When a camgirl talks about bet you’ll cum on my thighs alone she is trying to sway her client into a more intimate show. Sexual questions or topics are an effective way to get a man’s attention and make...
Say yes if you need an asshole to eat

Say yes if you need an asshole to eat

submitted by /u/RefuseEducationals [link] [comments] When you talk to your friend or a colleague at work the flow of that conversation may be quite light and easy going. However, when you are chatting to a customer who is paying for your time and attention the flow of...

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