submitted by /u/Traditional-Finger-8 [link] [comments] |
As an industry that entails intimate interactions, camming can be particularly stressful for models. Often they are working during unsociable hours, and their incomes can be volatile. It can also be a source of personal niggles such as body image issues.
Cam girls are often selling a highly addictive product. Much like casinos, most of their profits come from exploiting a small number of addicts who spend large amounts of tokens. Camgirls use the term ‘whale’ to describe such clients.
When someone says to a model in chat “come put them in your mouth” it’s not just rude – it’s sexism. It’s the kind of thing you wouldn’t say to a woman in your real life. That’s why it’s important to realise that these models are real people and they don’t deserve to be spoken to in such a cruel way. In a world that can feel so cut throat, being nice is not only fucking respectful it’s a sign of respect for the human condition.