submitted by /u/hboteScher1238Z [link] [comments] |
Teasing can be a great way to get someone hot and turned on. Although it’s often portrayed in the movies as a fast-paced, incredibly intense sexual experience, most of the time teasing is gentle. Using a featherlight touch to stroke their back, gently caress them or even whispering into their ear can be a huge turn on. Especially if it’s done to the erogenous zones that are most important to your guy, like their lips, breasts or butt, it can be extremely tempting and exciting.
It’s also good to tease a guy in the most natural way possible, so don’t be afraid of doing things that are a bit unexpected. For example, pushing his lips in his while he’s still kissing you can be quite horny, as can rubbing his tummy or playing with his thighs. Just don’t go too far and hurt his feelings! Just enough to make him want more.