submitted by /u/craisineater [link] [comments] |
In a world where everything has been monetised, female beauty has become particularly lucrative. Camgirls make a living from a highly addictive product that has been designed to deliver dopamine hits to men every time they spend tokens on a model’s screen. Just like casinos and video game microtransactions, camming sites make most of their money by exploiting a small minority of addicts.
The lifestyle has its benefits – a regular income, flexible working hours and being in control of your own image – but as with any client-facing job there can be personal niggles causing stress. Dazed spoke to Olivia*, a camgirl who has built a loyal following for her HAM on Everything sets, to find out more about the highs and lows of the industry. She shares her own experiences of navigating the pressures of body image, exploitation and mental health in the camming community.