submitted by /u/NeedlessBedtime [link] [comments] |
For some people being a cam girl seems risky, like they have to do more than the basics to keep people coming back. This is not always the case, for many people who make a living camming it’s just another job that they work at alongside their full time jobs and other hobbies. Isa Mazzei works as a librarian, English teacher, vintage clothing buyer, ice cream scooper, nanny and more and has tried her hand at every job she could think of before finding her true calling as a cam girl.
In her new memoir “Camgirl,” Mazzei writes about her post college search for identity and the decision to abandon a shitty retail job, embrace her sexuality and begin camming. It’s a story that is more than just a yaas queen tale of female empowerment, but also gives insight into the mental struggles of dealing with past trauma. One of the secrets to being a successful cam girl is being able to have conversations that build tension and excitement with your clients. Conversations are key in getting more tips and can make your job much easier and more enjoyable.