submitted by /u/UnhappyAlbatross8722 [link] [comments] |
Despite her low wages, camgirl Aella tries to make her chat sessions as meaningful and authentic as possible. She believes that she is a unique person and she wants to connect with the audience in a way that goes beyond the mere exchange of money. She aims to create a special bond with her whales and she does this by using masculine, ego stroking language such as calling them “heroes” or asking them how they want her to take care of them.
Many men who come to her often become regulars and begin to feel like they know her on a personal level. This is no surprise considering that they have grown up inside a digitised world: they’ve been watching porn, flicking through girls on Tinder and, in a natural progression of their addiction to female attention, paying for their favourite camgirls to chat with them online. In this way they replace their desire for a real girlfriend with a digital one that promises them sex, validation and connection.