submitted by /u/eggybaguettey [link] [comments] |
The long summer has dwindled into a cool, crisp autumn. Pumpkins, corn mazes and hay rides mark the passing of another relaxing season where more leisure time is available to spend with friends and family. But while many girls enjoy this time of increased leisure, others use it as an opportunity to moonlight as camgirls.
A camgirl is a person who uses a webcam to perform sexual acts on the internet for pay. They usually advertise their wares on adult content websites and accept payment through the site’s e-wallet service. Men become regular customers of a camgirl and build up a relationship with her. They begin to know her on a personal level and sometimes even fall in love with her. But the camgirl doesn’t care about her customer personally – she only wants money in her pocket.
When a camgirl talks about “letting you creampie me on our first date,” it is a red flag that she is hustling you. She knows you’re not her normal client and will try to convince you that she and you have a special bond. She will eventually convince you to share your credit card information or send her money – and then she starts sexting.