submitted by /u/Paleteen18 [link] [comments] |
When it comes to dirty talking, there are many words that can turn a girl on and get her fantasizing about being in bed with you. However, it’s important to be careful and know what you are doing before you start calling her names and taking things up a notch. It’s also good to know what kinds of words turn her off so that you can steer clear of those when it’s time for some kinky dirty talk.
It can be fun to give her a tour of her body and call out the different parts she has. This can be a great erotic experience for her, and it’s a great way to see if she enjoys the intimacy of dirty talk during sex. Try to use tame words at first, and then work your way up.
Using the word slut can be controversial, especially in this era of #MeToo and other feminist movements. However, if she asks for it, then you should do it. This will allow her to vocalize what she likes and wants during kinky dirty talk, which is an essential part of the sexual experience.
Some women might prefer being called tarty or strumpet, but the word slut still seems to have some power and appeal. As long as you’re both having enthusiastic consent during kinky dirty talk, then lean in and enjoy it! It’s also a great idea to check in with your partner after you’ve done some name-calling and sex. It doesn’t ruin the sexy conversation, and it’s a sign of respect that you’re checking in on their feelings.