submitted by /u/Minimum-Fisherman142 [link] [comments] When you walk into a room and see a camgirl talking about whats the hottest thing about me you know shes got it. Shes a shark, she smells blood and clamps her jaws on you,feeding you pretty words...
submitted by /u/TerpeneDream [link] [comments] The Cam Girl’s PerspectiveFor a cam model like Eevie, whose screen name is EevieLain, the goal is to make men as addicted as possible to her masturbation. Camgirls receive tips, or tokens, in...
submitted by /u/somebitch_outthere [link] [comments] A camgirl is a girl or woman who broadcasts herself on the webcam and performs erotic acts in exchange for money, goods, or attention. Camgirls often interact with their customers and can even...
submitted by /u/Electrical_Chip5735 [link] [comments] Camgirl talking about Aren’t they so prettySome cam girls make this their only job, and the majority of profits are made from exploiting addictive behaviour (similar to how gaming companies...
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