submitted by /u/JWizHD [link] [comments] If beauty editors, dermatologists and people who’ve waited on stinky subway platforms were to rank the most need-based list of essential beauty products, butt moisturizer would probably make the last...
submitted by /u/Traditional-Finger-8 [link] [comments] In our capitalistic society, female beauty has been monetised. Girls now sell their bodies online – from their fingers and nails to their necks and lips. And this is a business model that has...
submitted by /u/ChaustinAo [link] [comments] Camgirl talks about a ‘whale’ to whom she gives a lot of attention and dopamine hits because she is addicted to the token economy – just like casinos, the majority of their profits come...
submitted by /u/bhawx10 [link] [comments] Would you help me with my homework? F19Camsites are essentially gambling sites where the vast majority of profit is made by exploiting addictive behaviour. Men buy tokens in order to get dopamine hits seeing...
submitted by /u/cozyrum [link] [comments] Whether they like it or not, camgirls are selling a product that is essentially addictive. They give men dopamine hits when they watch the girls naked and when the girls respond to them personally, and men...
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