what’s the hottest thing about me?

what’s the hottest thing about me?

submitted by /u/Minimum-Fisherman142 [link] [comments] When you walk into a room and see a camgirl talking about whats the hottest thing about me you know shes got it. Shes a shark, she smells blood and clamps her jaws on you,feeding you pretty words...
You think im fat?

You think im fat?

submitted by /u/Maxss1107 [link] [comments] Articles Tagged ‘camgirl talking about You think im fat?’Camgirls are exposed to a lot of raw aggressive talk. Its part of their job description and it goes with the territory in Cyberia – a delimited...
Getting ready to sit on your cock

Getting ready to sit on your cock

submitted by /u/Loose-Reaction6951 [link] [comments] Getting ready to sit on your cockIn our capitalistic society, female beauty has come to carry inherent monetary value. Camgirls monetize this value by selling themselves to men who pay for her...

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