submitted by /u/DirtyMilfLaura [link] [comments] Did you see what you like for XmasAs a veteran cam girl, London knows how to convince her customers to buy her gifts, even in this time of coronavirus quarantine. She has a public wish list on her site...
submitted by /u/Paleteen18 [link] [comments] When it comes to dirty talking, there are many words that can turn a girl on and get her fantasizing about being in bed with you. However, it’s important to be careful and know what you are doing before...
submitted by /u/jsteez19 [link] [comments] “You sexy unnie,” Hanni murmurs, her lips grazing over Minji’s plush bottom lip with the kind of tender care that only experienced sexers can provide. The older girl doesn’t notice...
submitted by /u/Dillpickle0515 [link] [comments] When camgirl Isa Mazzei talks about making money by selling her body on a website, she uses the term “whale” (similar to how gaming companies make most of their profits by exploiting the addictive...
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