submitted by /u/r3make [link] [comments] The perfect boobs DO existSCIENTISTS reckon they’ve cracked the secret to the ideal set of knockers. They’ve found that the most attractive breasts are round, full and “moderately sized”. The nipples must also...
submitted by /u/Dil_ki_Queen [link] [comments] When people hear the term “camgirl” they may automatically assume it is a derogatory name used to describe a type of woman. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, there are many women...
submitted by /u/DavidRam423 [link] [comments] A cam girl is a woman who works online and gets paid to talk to men. She makes a decent living from this and enjoys the perks of the job like getting gifts sent to her by admirers. She is also a little...
submitted by /u/YourVirtualGF [link] [comments] Over the past five years, the Pornhub revolution has ravaged the traditional porn industry. It’s hard to make big bucks when your audience can get a taste of the action for free on their phones. Yet,...
submitted by /u/MaryanneTovar [link] [comments] The cam is on and you see usernames filling the chat, more men wanting to watch your show. They’re paying a pretty penny just to gaze at your tits that are almost falling out of your lace bra and...
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