submitted by /u/heiauKS [link] [comments] |
One of the biggest hits of 2017 and a top Billboard 200 album of 2018, Damn She Can Ride showcases Olivia’s ability to take us on a journey with her lyrics. It’s a sad, nostalgic and beautiful record that captures the feeling of being in love and watching someone move on from you way faster than you can get over them. It’s a song that’s been featured on TikTok, Saturday Night Live (in my favorite skit ever!) and even on plain old radio. It’s definitely pure Olivia!
Vulture recently caught up with Reinhart on a blustery Vancouver day to talk camming, chic wigs and why she has zero interest in any Riverdale High love triangles. Here’s what she had to say:
Isa Mazzei graduated college broke, unsure of her purpose, and with a reputation as a heartbreaker. Then, at twenty-three, she decided to embrace her salacious image and begin broadcasting her erotic adventures online for money as a camgirl.
In this candid and hilarious memoir of sex work, shame and self-discovery, Isa takes readers into her world of stripping, dancing, masturbating, games, art, and more as she builds her business, explores BDSM, attends porn conventions, sleeps with a fan, and pushes herself further than she ever thought possible.