submitted by /u/ElectricBear1 [link] [comments] |
Whether they’re a symbol of empowerment or a way to show off their boobs, nipple piercings are definitely having a moment. But are they right for you? We spoke to a camgirl who’s got her nips pierced to find out.
“In our capitalist society, female beauty has become something to be bought and sold,” says Aella, a camgirl who works on a masturbation site in the UK. She makes a living by having men pay to see her in a private room — which is basically like a casino where the majority of the profits are made from exploiting addictive behaviour (addictive gaming purchases are another good example). Camgirls also earn money for piercing their nipples, as they can then sell jewellery like rings and studs to the men they’re interacting with online.
As with any piercing, there’s going to be some pain involved. But Aella says it’s only for a split second. She also suggests avoiding alcohol before getting your nipples pierced and scheduling the appointment for just after your period. That’s because breasts are tender during that time and it can make the experience a little bit more painful.
It’s also a good idea to take some over-the-counter pain relief, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, beforehand. Also, remember to keep the piercing clean, and massage skin-friendly oils (like jojoba or bio oil) into your nipples 2-3 times a day to promote healing. And while nipple piercings generally heal pretty quickly, infections are still possible if not cared for properly. So if you start experiencing symptoms like green or yellow discharge, persistent pain months after your piercing or feeling feverish, contact a doctor right away.