submitted by /u/PianistCharacter1333 [link] [comments] When you sit down with a friend for coffee and chat, the conversation isn’t necessarily about something specific, nor is it meant to be. But when a cam girl talks to you, they know it’s for pay and...
submitted by /u/kozos [link] [comments] Whether from the pornography they watch or the erotica they read, some guys find it deeply arousing to see someone creampied. While a creampie is traditionally defined as semen being ejaculated into the vagina during...
submitted by /u/Everleigh6287 [link] [comments] Isa Mazzei’s memoir “Camgirl” isn’t your average yaas queen tale of female empowerment. It’s a nuanced look at the unshakeable grip of past trauma.After graduating from UC Berkeley with a...
submitted by /u/ElidaHarlan [link] [comments] When you talk to your friend in person, the flow of conversation is usually without a set direction. But when you have a conversation with a camgirl, there is a different feeling. The client pays for her time and wants the...
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