would you cum in my mouth or on my tits? submitted by /u/xJenniferocious
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A man asking a camgirl if they can cum in her mouth or on her tits is a clear sign that he is very into her and wants to have sex with her. He would never ask a girl like that in person because that is very degrading and he knows she is his dream girl. He probably has a picture of her in his phone and calls her his titty girl or his cock princess.

The question of whether a man should cum on a camgirl’s tits is a very intimate question and should be answered with a lot of thought. It is also important to remember that consent is fluid and must be agreed upon at all times. This is why it is so important to always ask for permission from your partner before ejaculating anywhere on their body.

Aella Mazzei is a former camgirl who writes about her experiences in the industry. Her book, Camgirl, is a memoir about her time in the business. Mazzei worked as a camgirl, stripper and virtual assistant to make money. She tried to find her identity by hopping from job to job, hoping one would present itself as her true calling.

She writes that she has been able to find more meaning in her life since leaving the business, and she is trying to help other women do the same. She is now working on creating art that lets consumers empathize with sex workers. Mazzei has already written a psychological thriller film, CAM, which follows a camgirl who finds herself the target of a supernatural identity theft.

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