bet you’ll cum on my thighs alone

bet you’ll cum on my thighs alone

submitted by /u/RefuseEducationals [link] [comments] When a camgirl talks about bet you’ll cum on my thighs alone she is trying to sway her client into a more intimate show. Sexual questions or topics are an effective way to get a man’s attention and make...
Say yes if you need an asshole to eat

Say yes if you need an asshole to eat

submitted by /u/RefuseEducationals [link] [comments] When you talk to your friend or a colleague at work the flow of that conversation may be quite light and easy going. However, when you are chatting to a customer who is paying for your time and attention the flow of...
I could use a hand

I could use a hand

submitted by /u/NeedlessBedtime [link] [comments] For some people being a cam girl seems risky, like they have to do more than the basics to keep people coming back. This is not always the case, for many people who make a living camming it’s just another job...
The cute ones are always the biggest sluts

The cute ones are always the biggest sluts

submitted by /u/paganiziel [link] [comments] Camgirl talking aboutIn a world where beauty has been monetised, it’s easy to see why a young girl would want to work as a camgirl. After all, it’s not that different from working as a...

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