You know you want to taste this ass

You know you want to taste this ass

submitted by /u/Traditional-Finger-8 [link] [comments] In this capitalistic society where everything carries a monetary value, female beauty has never been more monetised than it is on webcam sites. Whether it’s a girl who sells a dirty Primark...
could I suck your dick on the first date?

could I suck your dick on the first date?

submitted by /u/Thewafflecometh [link] [comments] Camgirl is a funny, honest memoir about being a live webcam girl and the men who visit her studio. Mazzei works every job she can think of, hoping that one will present itself as “her thing” until she...
whisper something dirty and i’ll let u deflower me

whisper something dirty and i’ll let u deflower me

submitted by /u/reyes-shortshanks [link] [comments] A cam girl can make a lot of money by exploiting addictive behaviour. Guys pay tokens to chat with a girl and get dopamine hits from seeing her naked or hearing her speak to them personally. They...

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